Stormy screen printing

As there is a high pressure area above the Baltic countries and a big low pressure area around Svalbard, we are experiencing quite strong winds from the east at the moment in Skanör. Today, two boats have left the harbour (and have arrived safely at their destinations as far as we can see), but we feel better waiting the worst part out here. We will probably head out again on Sunday, but until then we have been enjoying some time to finish the last projects on board and organising our life here on Désirée a little.

But other than boat-projects, we luckily also have a lot of creative projects on board. And today we finally tried out a new technique for the first time – screen printing. We first practiced on a piece of fabric, but we quickly got confident enough to print on T-shirts (thanks again Emil and Signe for the pretty shirts). And also a huge thank you to Elena, who had the material to prepare the frame itself and let Paul borrow it 🙂

We think the shirts turned out very cool! It’s kind of dangerous, now we feel like printing the little logo all over the boat.

We are looking forward to more screen printing sessions and to a little less wind, so we can move further east in this new home of ours.

God vind!

Paul and Liv


Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

10 responses

  1. Benedikte Jørgensen Avatar
    Benedikte Jørgensen

    Looks amazing! Cant wait for my t-shirt 🤣 Top fan 🩷

    1. Liv Avatar

      Yeees, next time we see you for sure! ❤️

  2. Benedikte Jørgensen Avatar
    Benedikte Jørgensen

    29.2 – is that m/s ? 😳😳😳😳🌬️

    1. Liv Avatar

      Knots! 🌬

  3. Arne Hyldekrog Avatar
    Arne Hyldekrog

    Hej med Jer – rart med gode og sjove “projekter” når man nu er indeblæst i flere dage

    1. Liv Avatar

      Ja, det har vist sig at være skønt allerede nu – østvinden vil ikke helt give slip endnu 🙂 men den ser ud til at skulle vende snart!

  4. Twan Avatar

    Hey Paul and Liv,

    Yes we made it to our destination. Was a fun sail!

    Nice to be able to read your blog. Hope you reach your desired destinations as well.

    Twan from sy Kendu

    1. Liv Avatar

      Hey Twan! We followed you on MarineTraffic and it definitely looked like you guys were having a fun time – 7 knots on average as far as I remember? 🌬 Kendu seems like such a trustworthy boat! We have made it quite far to the east now and are soon ready to head to Bornholm.

  5. Ida Dolmer Avatar
    Ida Dolmer

    Love reading your updates and looking forward to experiencing Désiré in all her glory in just a few months!! If I bring a t-shirt, can I get a logo too? <3

    1. Liv Avatar

      Ahh I love that you are following along! ❤️ and YES! If you bring 10 you can even get 10 logos hehe, can’t wait!

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