Summer in Sweden

We sailed from Christiansø near Bornholm back to Sweden on Saturday, and have since then been making our way up the coast to Öland, a big island that lies along the Swedish coast around Kalmar.

The wind seems a little indecisive at the moment and has been quite weak for some days, but the temperatures have been rising a lot, and when the sun is out it really feels as if summer has arrived in Sweden! Two days ago we sailed to the little village Kristianopel, where the Danish-Swedish border used to lie up until 1658. In Kristianopel we met other sailors that have followed a similar route to ours since we met them the first time in Gudhjem on Bornholm, and they told us that Ekenäs south of Kalmar is a beautiful spot to spend a night – so this is where we are now. It is really amazing here, we have had beautiful weather, several dips in the ocean, long walks, naps in the hammock, dinghy-rides around the small islands and last but not least the best kanelbullar so far from a little bakery here in Ekenäs. The harbour is quite tiny with its 4 spots for guest boats, and being here in these beautiful surroundings with our own floating home feels very special.

I’ve tried capturing the day today in some photos, I hope they succeed to bring across the feeling of Swedish summer 🙂

We also had a screen print session with our current guests Alex and Leon, and our new friends that gave us the tip of going here to Ekenäs decided to join us. As they sail with a little human on board, we got to do our smallest Désirée print so far – we think it turned out perfect!

Tomorrow we hope the wind will be sail-able and we will try to make it further north along the coast, and maybe find a nice harbour on the Öland side to stay in next.

God vind from Désirée and crew!

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8 responses

  1. Charlotte Moretto Avatar
    Charlotte Moretto

    Tak, så smukt og stemningsfyldt – og den sødeste lille Desiree t- shirt

    1. Liv Avatar

      Ja, her er så herligt og så svensk! 🇸🇪

  2. Arne Hyldekrog Avatar
    Arne Hyldekrog

    Dejlig beskrivelse af de sidste dages oplevelser og fine billeder – og når vejret viser sig fra denne fine side er det altid godt at være på vandet og nyde nabolandet – hyg Jer alle – og så er det jo dejligt, at man kan “finde” Jer igen på VesselFinder

    1. Liv Avatar

      Tak Arne! Vi nyder det virkeligt her, alle de små øer, fine havne og den smukke natur 🙂 God weekend til jer derhjemme i København!

  3. Twan Avatar

    Beautiful pictures! And I should have had a screen printed t-shirt in Skanör! 😃

    1. Liv Avatar

      Aww, we missed that chance! But we keep an eye on you and Kendus routes, so if we get close again at some point we can catch up on it ⛵️ Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    Dejlige billeder, der både frembringer følelsen af og de dejligste minder frem om den ægte svenske sommerstemning.
    God vind til jer alle for jeres videre sejladser nordpå.

    1. Liv Avatar

      Det var lige det jeg havde håbet på – skønt at kunne bringe nogle gode sommerminder frem ❤️

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