1 month of sailing

As we set sails for the first time on the 19th of April, today marks our first month of sailing! It seems like a good opportunity to reflect a little on the time spent sailing so far.

This fits perfectly with our current location – today we sailed from Bornholm to the small island Christiansø, part of the little island group Ertholmene, about 20 kilometres from the coast of Bornholm. It’s a really special place with well preserved buildings, nature and wildlife – about 90 people live here and it is a very popular tourist destination as well. It felt quite special today when the last ferry left back to Bornholm, as we now have the island for ourselves together with the few locals here and some other sailors. It is so peaceful here! A perfect spot for reflection on the last month.

We have experienced so much already! To only mention a few highlights – we set sails for the first time, revisited some of our favourite islands Lyø, Ærø and Omø, we tried out some anchorage buoys, we went on beautiful bike rides, we crossed the border to Sweden, welcomed our first guests on board, sailed to Bornholm, met some really nice people – the list could go on for a while!

In total we have spent 18 out of the 30 days out on the water with sails up, the rest we spent exploring and partially also waiting out some heavy winds. Our logbook so far has tracked 433 nautical miles since we left Bogense.

Mentioning Bogense, we could actually both feel the ‘refit brains’ for quite a while – we sawprojects everywhere and even while sailing focused on small to-dos here and there and everywhere. But I think this state is coming to a rest now, as we allowed ourselves to enjoy our stay on Bornholm much more like a holiday, without super long sailing days and with some really great day trips on land. With this more peaceful mindset we really look forward to finally doing some longer distance sails again – tomorrow we are heading for Karlskrona, which will be about 55 nautical miles. We know our crew, we know our boat, and we feel very excited to take Désirée further north and start to explore the Swedish archipelagos.

Furthermore, looking back on the past month, it has been such a pleasure to share our travel experiences with friends and family in here – thanks for your many nice comments and messages! Although we are getting further and further away, it makes us feel close to you all.

All the best and god vind,

Paul and Liv


Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

7 responses

  1. Charlotte Moretto Avatar
    Charlotte Moretto

    Smukt skrevet, tænkt
    Fantastisk stemningsfulde billeder
    Dejligt at fokus er flyttet fra to-do til to-be 💕 god vind fremover

    1. Liv Avatar

      ❤️ Tak!

  2. Ian Avatar

    Keep the updates coming! You inspired me to get back into sailing (I had 7 years of sailing small boats as a kid, but it had literally been almost 2 decades since I set foot on a sailboat).

    Turns out, it’s just like riding a bike 🙂

    1. Liv Avatar

      Oh Ian, how cool is that!! Makes us very happy to hear! Didn’t know you had been sailing back then – keep us updated on the new sailing progress :)) we sailed in small rented boats from Kaag once in a while back in the Netherlands, very cute area!

    2. Paul Avatar

      That makes me happy! 🙂
      Sailing in the Netherlands is beautiful, where do you sail?

  3. Monika Reck Avatar
    Monika Reck

    Jeg er enig med Charlotte!❤

    1. Liv Avatar


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