Work Sail balance

Life onboard Desiree is busy these days. Either we sail or we work on one of the unfinished refit projects. But slowly we are starting again to take some time for things that we use to do in our free time, unrelated to the boat.

When we moved onto the boat most of the necessary work was done to get Desiree afloat and sailworthy again. But what about the fresh water system, anchor and windex light, solar charging and wind instrument? Oh, and almost forgot that there are still some drops of cooling liquid dripping out of the motor from time to time. All that needs attention at one point but when is the right time to do these somehow important things and when is it time to just enjoy life, sailing, the spectacular views and the wind in the hair?

This is where a good work sail balance comes into play, we try to always advance the boat a little bit without blocking up our journey towards the east of denmark. I want to put an emphasis on “try” because it is not always working out as planned. Some work has to be done at one point, for example the anchor light before we can spend a night outside a harbour, and sometimes it happens that you get lost in a project and all of a sudden it’s late in the night. But everything crucial is working perfectly fine. So we can set sails in the morning and head out.

Desirees main switching panel cabling.

See you on the water or between cables and hoses.

Liv and Paul


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2 responses

  1. Benedikte Jørgensen Avatar
    Benedikte Jørgensen

    I er nogle fartbøller 😆 et snit på 6-7 knob 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Håber I nyder det hele ♥️

    1. Liv Avatar

      Vi vil altså påstå, at det er Désirée, der er fartbøllen her!

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