Late night mast climbing
Yesterday we tied the boat up to an anchorage buoy near Sortsø, by Stubbekøbing. The water was perfectly calm, there was no wind and the boat wasn’t moving at all. After eating dinner, we got the idea to pull one of us up the mast, as we needed to fix three things up there still:…
Work Sail balance
Life onboard Desiree is busy these days. Either we sail or we work on one of the unfinished refit projects. But slowly we are starting again to take some time for things that we use to do in our free time, unrelated to the boat. When we moved onto the boat most of the necessary…
Wrapping up the refit and going sailing for the first time (video #3)
We haven’t been posting a video for a while – simply because we have been so busy finishing up the refit of Désirée! Last week we finally got her back into the water and yesterday we went on our first sailing trip, leaving Bogense behind and heading south through Lillebælt down to the old harbour…
We’ve moved in!
Tonight marks the end of week 7 of the boat refit, but more importantly tonight also marks the first night living aboard Désirée! Claus just drove us to the marina with the last couple of things that we still had at his and Ann-Dorthe’s place, so now we can finally call Désirée our home for…
Mast mounted = happy sailors
Today we reached another mile stone in terms of getting ready to sail Désirée – the mast is now back on! My grandparents (and Désirées owners) stopped by to help us out with mounting the mast in the correct way, and we even had Claus and Ann-Dorthe at the marina giving a hand too –…
Désirée in her right element
She’s back in the water! It’s been a very exciting day – at 1 pm Désirée got picked up and was transferred to the crane. Here we got to do the very last paint jobs and then she was ready to be let into the water. Everything went quite fast and very well, so now…
Water, we are on our way!
This is the last post before Désirée gets her belly wet for the first time in a while. We are so excited!! At this moment we are sitting in the cockpit waiting for the harbour personnel that will transfer Désirée to the crane and ultimately into the water. We are a little nervous, so much…
The prettiest teak in town
We have been working on many ‘invisible’ projects so far – cables that are hidden away, the motor that is under the floorboards, the through holes that are hidden under the benches, and so on. They have all been very important projects in terms of functionality and safety on board, but we haven’t really worked…
The refit adventure goes on (video #2)
Week four of the refit is coming to an end tonight, and although there are still quite some points on our to-do lists, the end is getting very near! We really enjoyed cutting together the last little video we posted here, so we decided to work on another one, which is ready now! We hope…
The boat is waterproof again!
(Or at least we really hope so!) We have been working on the boat for 3 weeks now, and some projects have finally started coming to an end. There are still many open projects, but it feels really great to have reached a point, where the boat should technically be waterproof again – yay! We…
Let the refit begin (video #1)
As sailing is a very scenic sport and hobby, we thought that a good way to share experiences and impressions is through videos. We’ve tried to make some videos while working on Désirée the last weeks, and here is our first little film that we want to share with you. We hope you enjoy it!
Thoughts two weeks into the project
Currently, the alarm rings every morning at 7:30, on weekends at 8:00. The morning tasks have become a routine – getting up, eating oatmeal, packing the needed tools and parts into the bus and trying not to forget the food and snacks. Then the daily negotiation starts with the dogs, where we have to convince…