Yesterday we sailed quite a distance from Middelfart to Dyvig, a beautiful sail in perfect weather conditions. Today we had Charlotte and Henrik on board and decided to go for a smaller day sail from Dyvig. We set sails and had been sailing for a while when we noticed a sail boat in the middle of the fjord that seemed to not move and that had the sails down. It seemed like a weird place to anchor, but as everything seemed calm on board we sailed on. Some time later there was a call from Lyngby Radio on our VHF radio – first to all stations and directly after addressed to us. The sailors on board of the boat had gotten a rope stuck in their motor blade and needed assistance being towed to the nearest harbour. As they did not have a radio on board themselves, we called them on their phone and shortly after we had successfully tied their boat up to ours. Then we towed them into Dyvig harbour where we had also started the day, and within some hours they succeeded in fixing the issue and sailed on towards to south.

Quite an eventful day and a somewhat unusual first sailing experience for Henrik! But we had a great team and managed very well, and it’s comforting to know that Désirée’s motor doesn’t struggle with a task like this. We are so happy that we have invested in a new radio, now it is much easier getting help and giving help in situations like this!

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