Many reasons to celebrate

The last couple of days have provided many reasons for us to celebrate!

Some days ago we were docked to the rock at the nice island Rödlöga, where we reunited with our friends from the sailing boat Merlin. As they are on their way south again now, but we are still heading north, this will be the last time we see them on this sailing trip, but it was very nice seeing them again and we are sure we’ll find them again some day on the Baltic Sea 🙂

Merlin and Désirée at Rödlöga

Then, two days ago, we took a longer leg towards to north, as the wind was finally allowing some more sailing again. It wasn’t a lot of wind, so we got the test our gennaker for the first time – and with it’s help we made it across the 60th degree north! These two successes we celebrated with a bottle of cold bubbles in an anchorage bay by Gåssten.

The gennaker in action
60 degrees north!
Time to celebrate 🙂

Yesterday, we set sails for a shorter trip up to Öregrund, as Timon left the crew from there by train today. Although that is of course not another reason to celebrate, something else worth a celebration happened: Right before Öregrund we sailed our nautical mile number 1000 on this trip! Happy about this achievement, we were lucky enough to get tickets for a live blues concert in town that night and got to celebrate the mile number 1000 in good fashion.

From our logbook entry after sailing nautical mile #1000
Blues concert in Öregrund

And finally, today we also have something to celebrate – the rain is finally here! It might sound like a weird thing to celebrate, but the last two months have been extremely dry, warm and sunny. Not only did it seem as if nature was extremely thirsty, but for us it has also meant that making bonfires or even firing up wood-fired saunas has been forbidden for several weeks now. So today we celebrated the pouring rain by taking Désirée out for a little spin 🙂

Happy sailors in the rain

Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

9 responses

  1. Twan Biemans Avatar

    Congratulations on all your celebrations!


    1. Paul Avatar

      Thank you Twan 😀

  2. Charlotte Moretto Avatar
    Charlotte Moretto

    ❤️ lykkelige mennesker kan altid finde grund til at fejre ❤️
    Vi fejrer at vi så en Bjørn på vores hike i dag! Helt ude i den vilde natur
    Tillykke med alt og med jeres lyst til at fejre det, kram

    1. Liv Avatar

      Det lyder vildt (og sejt!) – pas på jer selv ❤️ på vores sejltur i stormvejr i foregårs så vi ikke en Bjørn, men vi sejlede forbi en ø, der hed Björn og lagde os for svaj bag den i læ for bølgerne for at spise lidt frokost og samle kræfter til resten af turen 🌊 så næsten det samme haha! God fejring til jer også ❤️

  3. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    Tillykke med a lle jeres fejringer! Og så et sejt træk helt op lige nord for Gävle hvor der sikkert er udskibet rigtig meget af Sandvikens berømte stål gennem mange årtier!
    1000 sømil. 3 årssejladser for de to gamle på Holdepladsen! Og videre det går!
    God vind videre.

    1. Liv Avatar

      Tak I to ❤️ Vi lå i klubhavnen af Sveriges ældste sejlklub (det siger de i hvert fald selv) – fra 1880. Samtidig med vores ophold var der en sommerskole for børn på havnen, så Désirée var omgivet af vildt børn i optimister og joller af enhver art, det var skønt ⛵️

  4. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    Tillykke med alle jeres fejringer! Og så et sejt træk helt op lige nord for Gävle hvor der sikkert er udskibet rigtig meget af Sandvikens berømte stål gennem mange årtier!
    1000 sømil. 3 årssejladser for de to gamle på Holdepladsen! Og videre det går!
    God vind videre.

  5. Monika Reck Avatar
    Monika Reck

    Very funny, that you celebrate the rain while sailing in Sweden 😅. It’ s really a hot summer. But now it has changed, at home we need a jacket 😄. Glad to see that everything is well with you and Désirée!!! Lots of greetings Monika

    1. Paul Avatar

      Now it feels much more like Sweden and I like that 🙂

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