The high coast

It has been a while since our last blogpost and that is for a good reason. We have been sailing pretty much every day with little spare time to reach our next destination which is also probably our northernmost point, the Swedish high coast.

The high coast is geologically a very interesting place. 20.000 years ago, the land was covered by a 3 km thick ice layer under which the land got compressed by more than 800 meters. Since the end of the last ice age, a phenomenon called postglacial landrise has set in and has not stopped yet. Every year the high coast region rises 8 mm compared to sea level because of the weight of the ice masses taken away. There is no other region in the world rising this fast due to postglacial landrise, which gives this landscape it’s characteristical form. Small till topped islands with up to 280 meters of height, cobble stone beaches way above the current sea level and water formed caves which are now surrounded by a nice pine forest.

The view from Sweden’s highest island Mjältön
A cobble field – an old part of the coast line, where crashing waves have formed the stones – now found in 200 meters height

Inbetween these islands is a beautiful and well protected sailing area with many possibilities for docking. We have been to two bays where we had to enter a very narrow and shallow channel to get into a bay worth all the effort. Sometimes with a wood fired sauna but always with friendly sailors around us. It is fun and a little sad to think that it won’t take longer than 100 years and a sail boat like Desiree would have too much draught to enter these bays.

Entering the narrow channel to Häggvik
Häggvik bay with the guest harbour on the right hand side

Speaking of friends, we have taken 3 friends from Copenhagen on board in Örnsköldsvik last Sunday and are having a good time hiking, sailing and enjoying the north with them. Paul will leave the boat now for 6 days to take the train home to Germany to celebrate his parents’ 30 years of marriage and Liv will have some free time in Örnsköldsvik before we will turn around and point our bow towards the south again.

Wishing you a nice week and sunny days,

Liv and Paul

Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

7 responses

  1. Charlotte Moretto Avatar
    Charlotte Moretto

    Tak for billeder og tekst
    Tillykke til Monika og Matthias 🥰
    Fortsat god vind

  2. Thomas og Co Avatar
    Thomas og Co

    Spændende at kunne følge jeres fantastiske rejse, når nu vi har set den store arbejdsindsats i har lagt i Désirée.
    Fantastisk når sådan en båd får frisk vind i sejlene igen.
    Fortsat god tur og på gensyn.
    Havnekontoret i Bogense

    1. Liv Avatar

      Hej Thomas og Co, hvor dejligt at høre fra jer!
      Alt arbejdet er det hele værd – Désirée har været en utrolig trofast båd på hele vores rejse, så det er bare skønt 🙂
      Nu har vi nået vores højeste punkt på turen og vender snart om og sejler langsomt i retning af Bogense igen, så vi ses nok engang i oktober. Indtil da ønsker vi jer en dejlig sommer i Bogense 🙂
      VH Paul og Liv

  3. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    Endnu en fantastisk beretning. Vi var vist ikke mange der anede noget om det eneste sted i verden hvor landet stadig hæver sig trods verdenshavenes vandstandsstigning og at Högaküsten havde den betydning.
    Fortsat god vind, når skipper Paul kommer tilbage på skuden.
    Tillykke til skipper Pauls forældre med dagen.
    Knus fra Holdepladsen.

  4. Twan Biemans Avatar

    Very interesting to read about the geological background!

    I am in doubt whether my next trip should be to Lofoten or the eastern part of Sweden!

    Grtz from Kendu!

    1. Liv Avatar

      Though choice! We also considered both, but decided to start with east Sweden as the coast line is more well protected – but sailing along Norways coast is definitely still a dream!

  5. Monika Reck Avatar
    Monika Reck

    Vielen Dank für alle eure Glückwünsche!
    Wir wünschen euch weiterhin eine gute Fahrt und viel Freude auf eurer Reise!😘

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