Let the refit begin (video #1)

As sailing is a very scenic sport and hobby, we thought that a good way to share experiences and impressions is through videos. We’ve tried to make some videos while working on Désirée the last weeks, and here is our first little film that we want to share with you. We hope you enjoy it!


Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

7 responses

  1. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    I wasn’t in the aft claustrophobic section for many, many years. When you are now there, the two aft cleats could probably need re-tensioning (sealing).

    1. Liv Avatar

      Thanks for the tip, we will take a look at the cleats! 🙂

  2. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    impressive effort. continued good luck with your adventure project.

  3. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    Nyd en herlig solskinsdag.
    Her var Inge hos øjenlægen. Synet fint og han vil først se Inge igen i 2025!

    1. Liv Avatar

      Hvor skønt! Det er godt at høre – vi glæder os til at vise jer Désirée i morgen 🙂

  4. Michael Hesse Avatar
    Michael Hesse

    What a nice film, and so nice to see how you are working together 🙂

    1. Liv Avatar

      Thanks Michael, glad you liked it! Lots of greetings from Bogense 🙂

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