Spending the first night at anchor

We just thought we would post some pictures of our first anchorage – tonight we have tied Désirée to a buoy from Danske Tursejlere on the northern side of the island Lyø. It’s an absolutely beautiful evening so far, we saw a really nice sunset and took the dinghy for a spin to go on land for a little walk and some drone-flying. Now we’re back on the boat and Paul just set up our anchor lights in the mast. We are very excited that everything on the boat is now ready for nights like this. We even set up our solar panels for the first time today while sailing and charged up the batteries a little. Tomorrow the plan is to sail to Ærø and then we will have some days of break there, as the weather will get quite windy.

Here some pictures to enjoy 🙂

Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

2 responses

  1. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    sleep well and sweet dreams

    Lyø er en dejlig ø.

    1. Liv Avatar

      Ja den er skøn! Et af mine højdepunkter fra vores sejlads i 2021 🙂

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