Water, we are on our way!

This is the last post before Désirée gets her belly wet for the first time in a while. We are so excited!!

At this moment we are sitting in the cockpit waiting for the harbour personnel that will transfer Désirée to the crane and ultimately into the water. We are a little nervous, so much work has went into this project, will this be the moment where everything pays off for the first time or will we encounter significant issues? The weather is nice and we hope for the best.

We’ll update you in about two hours – hopefully with a boat that is wet on the outside and dry on the inside!

Hey there! Feel free to leave us a reply to the post here in either English, Danish or German. We are always happy to hear from you 🙂

2 responses

  1. Inge og Hans Erik Jørgensen Avatar

    Tillykke med søsætningen. I er bare dejlige og SÅ seje.

    1. Charlotte Moretto Avatar
      Charlotte Moretto

      ❤️ja, og sikke et skønt billede

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